Recently, the family of a nursing home resident suffering from expressive receptive dysphasia discovered their loved one was being sexually abused by a staff member who was later apprehended and charged with sexual assault. While sexual abuse in nursing homes is less common when compared to other kinds of nursing home abuse and neglect, it… [Read More]
Nursing Home Wrongful Death
When you placed your loved one in an Iowa nursing home you expected they provide your parents with a comfortable and safe place, a place they could get the quality nursing home care and the personal attention that was assured you. When a nursing home engages in neglect, abuse or dangerous behaviors that lead to… [Read More]
Nursing Home Elopement | Wandering | Improper Supervision
A large part of keeping Iowa nursing home residents safe and free from injury involves supervising their activities to ensure that they do not wander away from the nursing home. When a nursing home resident wanders away because of improper supervision, serious injury or even death could result. The potential for harm and injury increases… [Read More]
Iowa Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths
According to a story in the Iowa Capital Dispatch, by Clark Kauffman, 6/24/20, titled, “At Iowa nursing home where 11 residents died of COVID-19, employees worked while showing symptoms, inspectors say,” a Dubuque Nursing Home, Dubuque Specialty Care, owned by Care Initiatives, allowed their nursing home employees to continue to care for the elderly despite… [Read More]
Nursing Home Injuries and Falls
Iowa Nursing Home Bone Fracture, Bed Rail Entrapment Lawyer As a person gets older, their risk for falls increases. Iowa nursing home injuries and falls attorney Marc Humphrey understands what happens when an inattentive staff member could actually be the single greatest danger that a resident faces each day in a nursing home. Bone Fracture,… [Read More]
Nursing Home Mistakes Root of Widespread Covid-19
Nursing home residents are among the hardest hit by the Covid 19 virus – more than 10,000 residents have succumbed to the virus across the nation. Inspection records reveal the many mistakes nursing homes made in the early days of the pandemic are likely at the root of widespread disease in these facilities – problems… [Read More]
Protecting Nursing Homes Residents During Covid-19
The respiratory illness Covid-19 poses a higher risk to the elderly and those who have preexisting health conditions. Residents in nursing homes are a vulnerable population indeed, and the CDC is recommending a number of strategies to combat community spread to protect our loved ones living in these facilities: Rapid detection and management of residents… [Read More]
Iowa Nursing Home Bill of Rights
Iowa Nursing Home Residents’ Rights Law Firm Since 1980 Humphrey Law Firm, P.C., has been providing representation for those who have been wronged. At Humphrey Law Firm you will never be treated as just another client. Attorney Humphrey considers it an honor and a privilege to help Iowans pursue justice for you and your loved… [Read More]
Iowa Nursing Home Medication Error
Dispensing medication requires both medical professionals and nursing home staff to be knowledgeable to the needs of every nursing home resident. Attention must given to providing medications at the correct dosage, at the right intervals. When medication is not dispensed properly, nursing home residents are at risk of injury or even death. Humphrey Law Firm… [Read More]
Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents Leads to Fall Injuries
Complications that arise after being discharged from the hospital are real, particularly for elderly patients. Health problems that develop in the 60 to 90 day period following discharge from a hospital is often referred to as post- hospital syndrome, a time when patients are at increased risk for problems sometimes unrelated to the reason they… [Read More]