Nursing homes have the responsibility to properly supervise residents, many of whom suffer varying levels of cognitive decline, which can result in falls or fatal injuries if they wander into unsafe areas or elope from the nursing home facility. If a resident is injured in a nursing home facility because the nursing home did not provide proper supervision, they may be subject to a nursing home negligence claim.
Many families put their trust in a nursing home to care for a family member when cognitive issues such as dementia puts a loved one at risk for injury in the private home setting. They expect that the nursing home will provide the 24/7 supervision needed to keep their family member safe. However, many nursing home facilities suffer from under staffing resulting in gaps in supervision. Residents with cognitive issues left to wander inside or outside, known as elopement, of a facility without supervision can easily come to harm.
Victim of Improper Supervision in a Nursing Home?
Slips, trips and falls, burns, or assaults in a nursing home facility or exposure to inclement weather or traffic outside the confines of the nursing home can pose a risk to an elderly family member, especially those who suffer from cognitive decline. If your family member is injured in a nursing home setting, it is important to seek the help of an experienced nursing home neglect lawyer who can hold the nursing home accountable and seek compensation for the injuries suffered by your loved one. Contact Iowa nursing home lawyer Marc A. Humphrey for immediate assistance at 515-331-3510.