Dispensing medication requires both medical professionals and nursing home staff to be knowledgeable to the needs of every nursing home resident. Attention must given to providing medications at the correct dosage, at the right intervals. When medication is not dispensed properly, nursing home residents are at risk of injury or even death. Humphrey Law Firm has been practicing medical negligence for over 30 years and we bring our unique understanding of medication errors to hold negligent nursing homes accountable.
Improper Medication or Dosage Error in Nursing Homes
Providing the wrong medication or too much of the correct medication (overdose) can cause falls that result in fractured bones, delirium, kidney problems, and many other adverse drug reactions, including wrongful death. When a medication or dosage error occurs, the risks and harm are especially great when it comes to the health and safety of residents.
Clear communication among staff members is essential in preventing medication errors from happening. It is the nursing home’s responsibility to provide and train qualified professionals to care for nursing home residents and to monitor their activities. When they fail to do so, both the nursing home and the negligent individual should be held responsible for their actions.
When a family member has suffered injury from a medication error that is serious, life-threatening, or fatal. Humphrey Law Firm will seek recovery of all the damages and hold those responsible accountable. We will fully investigate your claim, gathering information from nursing home records and consulting our team of experts regarding the effects of the improper medication or incorrect dosage error. We will find out whether there is a pattern of negligence at a particular nursing home, and whether other residents may have suffered from similar types of medical negligence.