Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal and physical harassment of a sexual nature.
Nearly half of employed women report that they have been subject to unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace.
In a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 48% of female workers responded “yes” when asked if they had experienced sexual harassment at work.
Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
Harassment is not only limited to sexual harassment, but generally includes unfavorable treatment based on a person’s sex.
Many of women polled also acknowledged that they were discriminated against in pay and that their opinions were not heard or considered in the workplace simply because of their gender.
This runs contrary to the law because discrimination is prohibited in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.
Workplace Sex Discrimination Widespread
Overall, two thirds of all employed women said they experienced at least one of the three forms of discrimination and, as testament to their plight, 60% of men polled admitted they personally witnessed discrimination against women taking place.
Contact an Experienced Iowa Sexual Harassment and Employment Discrimination Lawyer
Attorney Marc Humphrey handles sexual harassment cases throughout Iowa and he is relentless about pursuing justice for victims of Iowa workplace sexual harassment and employment discrimination. If you have been subject to sexual harassment and/or sex discrimination in your Iowa workplace, contact the Iowa employment law offices of attorney Marc A. Humphrey for immediate assistance. For over three decades we have been dedicated to helping Iowans who are being unfairly treated in the workplace obtain justice. Contact us online or call our office at 515-331-3510 to schedule your completely free and confidential consultation.